Monday, October 7, 2013


Decisions, decisions, decisions...  Who would have thought where you build your home was so important!  Tree line? No tree line? Are you near a  pond? Are you near the lake?  Does it have another house back up to you?  Are you near the road?  Is there a horrible view of some old home where they have tons of trash in their yard?  Is it on a cul-de-sac,  corner or in the middle of the street?  Is the grade of the ground flat or tapered?  Is there going to be storm drains, electrical boxes or any other utilities running through your property?  That's enough to give you a HEADACHE!

Sometimes you forget when you are buying homes and moving around the country that someone else had to make those same decisions prior to you.  It can all become a little overwhelming. 

Well the good news, my husband is a very detailed planner.  He looks at every scenario and contemplates,  is this what is going to work best for us.  After walking the lots, going back at least two or three times.  Looking at the blueprints, site maps, etc.   We made a decision!!!!  We settled upon a corner lot that is almost a 1/2 of an acre.  Now for those people in the Midwest or West of us that might not seem like a lot but here in the Mid Atlantic, land is GOLD!   You drive through the main cities and most of the houses are stacked on top of each other.  Your lucky to have any type of a yard.  We are very excited about the space.

We settled for a tree line view which I think we will enjoy during the fall season.  It also provides us some nice privacy and just as the sun starts to go down in the evening, it will allow for some additional shade so we can enjoy our back patio area.

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