Friday, October 18, 2013

Panic moment # 1

So, my wonderful husband doing what he does best was researching everything for our new home.  During his research he was able to find our new wood flooring selection on line.   Then in typical JJ fashion, he proceeded to show me.  PANIC ATTACK!!!!   The new Hickory flooring I had selected in the showroom was NOT at all what I had picture it to be.   I thought it would make sense to go with a little lighter flooring because most of our furniture in our home is dark espresso.  WRONG!! The picture below is what the flooring originally was "Deep Java", not at all what I was expecting.  I had forgotten the more flooring you get the lighter the flooring is.  UGH!

So I emailed the flooring company, in hopes they had not finalized the paperwork.  After several emails,  Deena our wonderful sales rep said she would squeeze me in.  I walked into their office and within 2 minutes, I found the new color.    Now, this color was not shown to us our first visit.  Had it been, I am confident I would have picked it originally.  This picture does not do the flooring justice... it's much darker than it is showing. 

 The color is "Rich Brown" a dark espresso color with a little color variation.  I had to get a sample (full plank) to make sure it was true to what I was seeing.  So, crisis adverted!  We have have successfully changed the flooring.  THANK GOODNESS!!!