Monday, January 27, 2014

The train is pulling out of the station..... they excavated our lot today!

Today the contractors excavated our lot in preparation of pouring the footings.  With the colder weather this week, we don't anticipate they will get to pouring the concrete footings until probably sometime towards the end of the week or early next week.   I know it doesn't look like a lot right now, but the Walker family has been waiting what seems like forever (end of September) to get this show on the road.  We are very excited, as this kicks off the countdown to our new home.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Stakes are in!

Well we got word that they have finally staked the outline of the home.  If you use your magnifying glass you can see where I circled the outline of stakes that will eventually be where the home will sit.  The markings are actually square, but because I used the panoramic option on my phone it looks a little offset. We expect to see a hole sometime today or tomorrow but with all the snow who knows.  Whew Hew!  I will keep you posted.... :)

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Getting ready to dig!

Well the time has finally come to get the house on it's way.  We were out at the site over the weekend and it looks like they have readied the lot.  We just got word that our permit has been issued, Wahoo!  Now we just have to wait for this snow storm that is hitting the North East to stop so they can stake it and begin digging.